Lectures by ash sheikh liyawudeen mufti (kilihiri)

Surah Al Ar'aaf (7:96)
Ash Sheikh Liyawudeen Mufti (Kilihiri)
SLBC , Radio Program
Sat, 28 Jul 2012

Pondering over the Verse in Surah Al Ar'aaf (7 :96)

Lecture Type: 

  • Ramadhan

Lecture Language: 

  • Tamil
Ash Sheikh Liyawudeen Mufti (Kilihiri)
Kotegoda Jummah Masjid, Hemmathagama
Sat, 28 Jul 2012

Lecture based on the Aayaaths in Ale Imran (133-135)

Lecture Type: 

  • Special

Lecture Language: 

  • Tamil
